What is the Disease

In essence, illness is a compromise between the outside and the inside, it is a kind of adaptation to the world.

Mental balance and health are interrelated. Thought is material, energy follows thought, that is why one lives as one thinks. According to one’s words are their actions and their whole life subsequently.

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If we imagine that the physical body of man is just the screen behind which many processes take place on many levels, then it can be understood that disease begins in the subtle bodies and is a mismanagement of energy and information that leads to bio-blockages. The human soul carries information that is stored in the energy-informational field of the aura. Any obstacles in the interaction with the universal consciousness cause an accumulation of negative potentials in the respective energy bodies. Points in the human hypostases that carry poorly processed information and energy are experienced by the person as negative thoughts or feelings, but may not be conscious. Depending on the level at which the information is kept, it has contact with another level of consciousness and another weight and influence in the human life. This information is also transferred to the offspring, creating family karmic burden or more simply heredity.

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Before the appearance and establishment of the disease, the body sends its messages to warn of the imbalance that exists. Man should not rush to get rid of them, but try to interpret them, otherwise one postpones their processing to the next life. The appearance, after all, of illness is the best option of “balance” when man can no longer manage information properly and their system (whether the physical, emotional, or mental principle) shows a distortion. Getting rid of the disease is difficult because the body has a tendency to want to maintain the state of balance no matter how problematic it is. In essence, illness is a compromise between the outside and the inside, it is a kind of adaptation to the world. Any chronic disease is a disturbance from the invasion of negative information into the subtle structures of the human field and its abidance there for many years. A serious or recurring illness indicates that a person has deviated from their purpose and strayed from their Dharma, i.e. they have gone off the path they should have walked in the present incarnation. If one moves wrongly in life, then they incur pain, disease and suffering.