Involvement of the Patient in Therapy

“Before you heal someone, ask them if they are willing to let go of all that makes them sick.”
– Hippocrates

During the therapeutic program, buried information (either of the current incarnation or accumulated karmic baggage) or situations that the person does not realize that they concern him or refuses to deal with come to the surface. Behaviours or mental patterns that affect a person’s life in a negative way may become prominent and be put to the test. So there will come a critical point at which he will be called upon to make the transcendence and deal with the issue that has been raised so that he can move on with his life and the healing process. If he refuses or is afraid, he is likely to regress to previous situations. It takes a great deal of fortitude on his part and a great deal of honesty with himself to be able to take this step. Only then will he prove to himself that he can support the change he wants. Resignation, egoism, difficulty in adopting new ways of thinking, self-justification, the suggestion of external obstacles, fear, inability to forgive, downplaying the importance of mental and emotional changes on one’s part, inertia, are all situations in which one could become trapped if one is not actually ready to heal and move on.

Disparagement of the therapist and the outcome of the treatment is another situation in which a person could become involved in order to abdicate responsibility. It often happens that some people refuse to take personal responsibility for their treatment and put all the burden on the therapist and the type of intervention. Or, even worse, they deny their spirituality, are pessimists and nullify any work done on them. Most of the time they do not complete a treatment programme as they should and do not follow the advice and guidance of the therapist. They jump from one kind of therapy to the next, because when the need arises to admit truths about themselves and to take on the work of therapy themselves, they try to slip away in search of therapeutic schemes in which they will not have to actively participate, or so they hope. Unfortunately, in this way neither healing nor changes in our lives ever come.

Also, man must understand that as important as a disease is, so is the time and effort he has to make to overcome it. It cannot claim to be able to quickly and painlessly cure a disease that has very deep roots. Each disease hides behind it a corresponding mental and emotional energy trace. The size of the latter determines the time it takes to heal. If man allows a disease to remain in his life for 15-20 years, he must understand that the cure requires a corresponding effort on his part. He will be helped more quickly if he realizes that he himself has allowed it to appear in his life, so he will have to face it and release it sooner or later, at the same time as the therapist intervenes and supports him. Συμμετοχή του ασθενούς στη Θεραπεία - Involvement of the patient in therapy Συμμετοχή του ασθενούς στη Θεραπεία - Involvement of the patient in therapy photo

The essential thing that man must understand is that nothing in life is accidental. No physical, emotional or mental imbalance arises without cause. No situation or behaviour that he receives happens by chance. Its entire course is determined with absolute relevance by the information carried by the whole of its active-informational field. His whole life is the consistent implementation of this information. It is important that he understands that he can live as he wishes when he recognizes himself in his fullness and learns to manipulate this information to set his own course.