What Happens during the Session

During the treatment, the energy-informational structure of man is coordinated with the primordial source of creation, the frequency of one’s vibrations increases and their consciousness expands.

Applying the channels to a person targets their entire aura field by changing the vibration of the structures it contains. Thus, it causes a restructuring and purification of the layers of the aura. This is because the disease first appears in our subtle bodies and can gradually enter the physical body and manifest itself as a disease. Therefore, the energies treat not only the symptoms of a disease or problem but the causes, which usually reside in the subtle bodies and are held there as poorly processed energy and information. That is, the active-informational trace of the disturbed state is erased. Cosmoenergetics reconstructs the energy bodies until the system is balanced. Also, if an organ is not yet diseased, Cosmoenergetics acts preventively as it heals the condition while it is still in the subtle bodies.

Cosmoenergetics Θεραπευτική Συνεδρία - Therapeutic Session | Τι συμβαίνει κατά τη Θεραπεία - What happens during therapy

The duration of the therapy program depends on how much the field and organs are affected. During the healing there might be exacerbations as well as physical and psychological crises. The imperfection is homeopathically sharpened during the cleansing, all the accumulated negativity comes to the surface and then crisis and turmoil ensue. During the treatment, the energy-informational structure of man is coordinated with the primordial source of creation, the frequency of one’s vibrations increases and their consciousness expands. Of course, for more substantial results, effort and mental commitment are also required on the part of the patient to try to change and not remain in the same mental patterns, not to mismanage situations again and be led to the same results and the same or similar disease. This is supported by the simultaneous raising of the level of consciousness which helps one to understand and overcome the lessons easier and faster. Thus, one can change the wrong mental patterns with which they mishandle information and situations and can change their reasoning, worldview, beliefs and life attitude. As far as the size of the aid is concerned, suffice it to say that everyone will receive as much as they believe. It is a person’s decision how far they will go, whether they desire just physical healing or spiritual growth.

It is noted that it is the channels that heal and not the healer. Energies know what to heal and in what order, as well as how to guide the person. The therapist must function as efficiently as possible as a conduit that will channel the Cosmic Energy to the patient.

In the course of therapy, situations are created that act as lessons to help the person process the information correctly this time and move on. One must always keep in mind that whatever comes is always for the good even if they treat it as a problem or get carried away. In every situation the person is given the opportunity to learn and develop. Of course, sudden changes are dangerous and meaningless because man can only gain knowledge through practical lessons.

* It is reminded that Cosmoenergetics does not replace classical medical treatments, especially in the case of patients who make chronic use of drugs, have already very damaged body and need the continuation of medication.