Hutta Block

cosmoenergetics Μπλοκ Χούτα Hutta Block photo

The main difference between the Hutta Block and all the previous ones is its uniqueness on a planetary level. If the energies of the Magister belong to planetary frequencies of a higher order, then the Hutta is unique and has no limits of application on the physical plane.

As this block develops, a transition is made to the indigo consciousness, that is, the ability to perceive information directly and immediately. Such a function is beyond the limits of common sense. In order for the frequencies to open, the expansion of awareness is needed. The common perceptual functions that relate to here and now, governed by the left cerebral hemisphere and make use of the lower Manas associated with the Kama body, are not sufficient.

The development of Hutta is the final stage in the evolution of the Cosmic Energy Healer’s consciousness. From this point on, his energy matrix is by no means limited to our world, it operates and expands beyond any constraint. Hutta’s energies profoundly correct the human subconscious programs built into the current incarnation as well as the programs derived from the collective unconscious. Hutta almost completely rebuilds the patient’s consciousness and removes the causes of the disease from him.

cosmoenergetics Μπλοκ Χούτα Hutta Block image
cosmoenergetics Χούτα Μπλοκ - Block Hutta photo

Simply put, the Cosmic Energy Healer who practices Hutta is εembedded in the universal matrix and has unimaginable possibilities in our dimension. Our consciousness is completely immersed in the material world and is subject to restrictions. The complete awakening of the Manasic principle is the most complete experience one can have in the current phase of the human evolution of the 5th race.

Obstacles in the development of Hutta may be incorrect subconscious programs, ancestral and acquired, inner aggression, as well as physical or conscious obstacles. In this case, the Cosmic Energy Healer may experience internal discomfort, lack of strength during the adaptation and weakness. Many of these symptoms frighten the practitioner and discourage him or make him stop working with Hutta. In general, Hutta is a radical method, once it opens it does not stop until the work is done. However, in some cases, its function may be postponed until the Cosmic Energy Healer is competent enough to handle it.

On the other hand, once overcoming these difficulties, the Cosmic Energy Healer feels an extraordinary explosion of power and the opening of new horizons. Hutta gives the Healer enormous advantages with the way it is implemented. The activation of the lattice allows frequencies to be opened in the 3D space in any visualized frame, to transfer the work to another dimensional space, and all are controlled by the matrix itself.

Working with the Hutta Block is, of course, not the only way. Clearly there were and are other tools for perfecting human consciousness in order to achieve self-consciousness and full integration into the Source of Creation. The Hutta was given to our culture as a great gift, but unfortunately it has not yet been appreciated. For the dominant consciousness of people in the current phase of Kali Yuga, Hutta seems like an inaccessible peak and perhaps only the future generation will be able to use it.

cosmoenergetics Χούτα Μπλοκ - Block Hutta image

The energies of the Hutta Matrix can be applied literally anywhere. Because the most important thing is not the treatment itself, as we understand it at our level. This is the final tangible result. The uniqueness of these actions is that they penetrate causal relations and change spatial structures and information beyond our own dimension. The Hutta Block is rightly considered the Philosophical Stone of Cosmoenergetics. It is the inexhaustible primary energy that comes mainly from the fourth dimension. It perforates all levels of energy and in this way materializes and structures reality. It is a tool of transition to non-separateness, to the Matrix of Universal Love and Oneness.

Currently, over 200 frequencies have been decoded. Some examples are summarised below:

Removes and erases the deep programs of the distant past from the subconscious. A person may not know anything about them, but these programs affect current life events. For example, there is no personal life (in one of the previous lives a vow of celibacy was given), or the person lives in poverty (there is a deep past belief that being rich is bad).

Finds application in depression. The work of the brain is transferred to the alpha state. Getting information from the subconscious. Expansion of mental and physical ability (endurance) takes place. Helps make important decisions. It helps in exams, in scientific work. It provides the therapist with the treatment regimen to follow.
Cosmoenergetics Ζωροαστρισμός Zoroastrianism Tishtrya

Practical. It contributes to the development of mental abilities. It reveals abilities that are dormant. For example, if applied to an artist, their paintings will have a beneficial effect on people, like Roerich’s paintings.

Saturation with Earth energy (1st chakra, spine). There is a balance of earthly and cosmic energies. Cleaning of energy meridians. Cleaning with the help of a powerful energy flow, a strong recharge helps to restore the functioning of the organs. Relieves pain in the legs with varicose veins. Cleans blood vessels (plaques, blood clots). It helps the people of the Water Zodiac to keep their heads out of the clouds and stand firmly on the ground.
Facilitates the transition to the other world and the further course in it. We open it on seriously ill patients and those who have recently departed. It breaks down necrotic bonds and connections.
It heals the inner child. Inferiority complexes, low self-esteem, depression, guilt. The release of emotions, the joy in life, the revelation of creative abilities, the ease of being.
A percussive channel that acts as an ambulance in critical situations (suicide, hysteria, violent onset of schizophrenia, manic-depression syndrome). Delirium, drug overdose, seizure. Obsession (voices, images of the lower astral plane).
Synchronisation of physical and subtle bodies. Connection with the Higher Self. Increase in vibrations, self-awareness.
Cleanses fluids (blood, lymph) from infection. Treats cardiovascular diseases, improves vascular tone, removes plaque. It cleans from foreign formations. It treats cancer. Virus protection (epidemics). Protects and restores any organ.
Harmonization, spiritual growth. It creates a connection with Higher Powers and restores the 7th chakra. Spiritual healing, expansion of consciousness. Restoration after energy interventions. It aligns the subtle bodies, builds energy, removes connections and clears all energy meridians. It leads to higher levels. Sociability improves. The flexibility of the mind develops.