Autism is a condition with behaviors that involve all levels of consciousness.
Listed below are indicative behaviors that we find in each chakra. It is pointed out that each person is different and shows less or more of them and to a different degree. Furthermore, there are differences in the etiology due to which we have the related problems, as well as a difference in the manifestation of the same behaviors in relation to age and developmental level, e.g. the manipulative behavior and mental rigidity are expressed differently from a four-year-old and an adult.
An autistic person, therefore, may present the following:
– Sensory problems
– Tendency to put everything in the mouth, i.e. to recognize the world still in this way, like babies do
– Bad relationship with food – may eat non-stop or anything, even things that are not edible
– Fear (not due to some obvious stimulus), stress
– Difficulty grounding, ineffective adaptation to material reality, poor contact with time and difficulty adapting to time limits, difficulty being in the “here and now”
– Difficulty remaining seated and still for long periods of time, restlessness on a physical level, need to regulate and soothe themselves physically
– Sometimes excessive and dangerous physical activities, ignorance of danger
– Tendency not to seek pleasure through social contact or unable to derive pleasure from social contact
– Poor management of sexual/creative energy
– Strongly manipulative behavior, want to get their way, command others’ feelings and others in general
– Poor tolerance for cancellation, when their “agenda” is not satisfied they tend to withdraw or become manipulative
– Easy to create addictions and generally establish addictive behaviors
– Shame, “what will people say”
– Poor self-esteem
– Anxiety about their image to others
– Do not attempt in areas in which they have weaknesses because they are afraid of failure, cancellation and what others will say (especially not to make fun of them)
– Difficulty handling failure as well as the thwarting of their plans and expectations
– Obsessions
– Anger
– Egoism
– Great inability to connect emotionally with others
– Loneliness
– Withdrawal
– Indifference to other people, as if they don’t exist around them
– Absence or avoidance of eye contact (which is used to connect mentally and emotionally with others and have mutual understanding), blank face, expressionless, frozen, wooden, empty gaze
– Poor communication and speaking skills
– Difficulty in effectively expressing their wants and needs
– Difficulty communicating to others what they are thinking, where they are mentally (but if already, due to issues in the 4th, they do not care about the existence of others, they obviously do not care to let them know where they are mentally)
– Don’t listen to others and their needs, don’t understand and/or don’t care (like bad conversationalists – however, in order to communicate properly we must first learn to listen)
– Difficulty understanding the mental state and intentions of others
– Do not understand the causes behind the results, cannot think of hypothetical scenarios, difficulty synthesizing and connecting information to make logical and useful conclusions and results
– Due to the last two, there is also difficulty in engaging creatively in joint activities
– They have “filters” in the intake and processing of information
– They stick to the tree and miss the forest
– Very poor discrimination, strange, wrong, ineffective evaluation criteria, restrictive and idiosyncratic “censorship” programs
– Refusal to adopt new patterns of action, even if they seem to guarantee success and satisfaction of needs
– Learning difficulties
– Difficulty in acquiring and organizing knowledge
– Damage to the Central Nervous System, incomplete synaptic connections, damage to glands, incorrect neurological settings
– Poor concentration, distraction
– Difficulties up to complete inability to comprehension of speech
– Inability to plan action that makes sense for the Personality, inability to plan action for the future, there is no initiative that comes from the planning of the Personality and above all from its awareness that it is a separate entity that can move independently, autonomously, to learn, claim and have results in the environment from its mental action
– Poor or no connection of the Personality to the Individuality, therefore the Personality cannot act as an agent to serve the goals of the Individuality
– Tendency to repeat sterile action, there are only behaviors that come out spontaneously and serve physical or emotional satisfaction, almost instinctively
– Obsessions, compulsions
– Lack of initiative
– Absence of Personality, do not have control over themselves or their thinking as an autonomous and self-willed being
– Cannot handle too many stimuli at once, get overloaded, upset, lose control
– Absence of deep trust in the Source, inability to surrender
– Because there is no trust and the person does not surrender, they have a tendency to seek control over the environment with various behaviors (e.g. attachment to strict order sometimes to the point of mania)
– Lack of adaptability to real life conditions (trying to change the world instead of adapting oneself)
– Difficulty managing from small to large changes in everyday life and routine, need to keep everything the same, which indirectly creates a sense of security for them (changes cause the Personality to be agitated and disorganized, “what awaits me now?”, “what does this mean?”, “what should my response be now?”)
The 4th and 7th chakras are directly linked functionally. The 7th chakra is common to all people, it does not contain personal information. It is the connection to the Spiritual Source from which we all “fall” down here. The pure spirit, Shen, resides in the heart organ. Shen is the king of existence, the one who rules and knows everything (that’s why we say that the heart always knows – as long as we haven’t caged it and stuffed it with emotional garbage and attachments). Damage to the 4th chakra can cause damage to the 7th chakra as well chakra. A person e.g. out of pain may feel anger and betrayal and renounce the “Father”, thus cutting off contact with Him, cooperation and receiving guidance for his own good. That is, the finite Personality refuses to cooperate with the imperishable Individuality. Individuality, however, is the “Captain” of the ship, It is the one who knows how to steer the ship to its destination. Without It, then, the Personality wanders aimlessly and languishes lost in the ocean, like a ship that has lost its Captain.