Removal of Magic

Removal of Magic, Hypnosis, Coding.

These treatments, among other things, remove magical programs, dissolve spells and all kinds of rituals, remove entities, clean and balance the functioning of the energy centers and restore the normal flow of energy.

More specifically, the energy intervention concerns the following:

  • Necrotic and astral bindings, entities, astral parasites, plasmoids, debris from entities’ life activity
  • Installations in the subconscious (in the chakras, organs and head)
  • Consciousness manipulation, hypnosis, coding (Egregors, Voodoo, sects, esoteric societies)
  • Magical damages for remaining childless, inability to establish relationships and create a family (immoral behavior, infidelity, birth of children with severe developmental disabilities, addictions)
  • Death spells (liver, pancreas, leukemia, cancer, extreme accidents, etc.)
  • Curses and magical damage from the ancestral tree (restoration of family relationships, protection from hereditary diseases, etc.)
  • Spells for bonding, reconnecting, breaking of relationships
  • Spells for total destruction and chronic failure
  • “Evil eye”, envy
  • Cleaning space from any kind of interference